843-771-4791 office@spoonlaw.net

IRS & SC Tax Resolution Attorney – Summerville, SC

“The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.” 
— Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize Winning Physicist

Owe money to the IRS or SC Department of Revenue?
Don’t ignore the issue – let us help you!

If you owe money to the IRS or the State of South Carolina, you may be asking yourself “How did this even happen?” Most people assume that if you owe the IRS or State, it’s because you just can’t pay your taxes.

There are actually a few ways that you may have gotten here:

  • Maybe you forgot about the tax deadline and filed late. You could have paid what you owed, but since you filed late you got slapped with a penalty of up to 25% on top of what you owe!
  • Maybe “life” got in the way and you just didn’t file at all!
  • Or maybe you’ve been saving back to be able to pay what you would owe, but you miscalculated. Now you owe it all at one time, and you didn’t save enough! This situation can lead to even more penalties and interest being added to your liability.
  • Or maybe you thought you understood the tax code, but you made a mistake and used certain deductions for which you didn’t qualify. This kind of mistake can cost you in the form of additional, accuracy related penalties.

What happens if you just ignore the penalties?

The cold hard truth is that the IRS or State will try to collect on your debt. They can do this in a number of different ways, including:

  • Wage garnishment (money taken out of your paycheck each and every pay period…sometimes as much as 85%)
  • Tax liens put on property you own (a claim is made on your property and reported to the credit bureaus)
  • Bank account levy (money is taken directly out of your bank account without your knowledge)
  • Arrest (you can be criminally charged for not paying your taxes and they can ask the court to order you to repay your taxes as part of your sentencing)

It may feel as if there is no way out, but please know that you are not alone! Being in debt to the IRS or State of South Carolina is not a good position to be in, but there is a solution. And we can help!

Can a tax attorney help?

Most definitely! Tax attorneys can stop liens or levies and negotiate a resolution to your IRS or State tax debt. U.S. and South Carolina tax law is very complex and difficult to understand. There are so many rules and regulations you must follow that it is easy to make a mistake and land yourself in the dog house.

The IRS and State tax authorities are not to be laughed at or ignored. As you read above, they can do some pretty intimidating things to make sure they get paid. This issue should be taken seriously! Take the problem into your own hands and speak with a tax attorney who can help find a solution for you.

So, what options may be available for you?

There are 3 main types of tax debt resolution:

Do you need a solution to your tax debt problems?

If you need a solution to your problem, give us a call. We can walk you through your situation and discuss the options available to you. You are not alone! We are here to help. Dial 843-771-4791 and ask for SC tax debt attorney John Witherspoon.




There are only a few categories of professionals able to handle IRS tax matters.  So why use an Attorney?

  • As attorneys, we are licensed to practice before the IRS and in all U. S. Tax Courts–something CPAs and “Enrolled Agents” can’t do.
  • Additionally, because we are your attorneys,  all communications are protected by the ‘Attorney-Client Privilege,’ meaning the communications are confidential and cannot be disclosed or divulged to other parties without your express consent.  This privilege is exclusive to attorneys and is not provided or available to other persons such as Tax Preparers, CPAs or Enrolled Agents.


There are only a few categories of professionals able to handle IRS tax matters.  So why use an Attorney?

  • As attorneys, we are licensed to practice before the IRS and in all U. S. Tax Courts–something CPAs and “Enrolled Agents” can’t do.
  • Additionally, because we are your attorneys,  all communications are protected by the ‘Attorney-Client Privilege,’ meaning the communications are confidential and cannot be disclosed or divulged to other parties without your express consent.  This privilege is exclusive to attorneys and is not provided or available to other persons such as Tax Preparers, CPAs or Enrolled Agents.


  • Offers in Compromise (Form 656): Offers in Compromise enable you to settle your tax debts based on your ability to pay, regardless of the amount you owe to the IRS. Here are just a few of the cases we’ve been able to settle recently:
    • $480,000 Debt settled for $59,000
    • $18,000 Debt settled for $812
    • $19,000 Debt settled for $1,008
    • $12,400 Debt settled for $1,455
    • $16,000 Debt settled for $500
  • Installment Agreements:  We can negotiate a monthly payment plan with the IRS so that your debt is paid off over time and prevents the IRS from pursuing further enforcement activities (such as levies or garnishments).
  • ‘Currently Non-collectible Status’:  If you can’t afford to make payments on your personal (not business) tax liability, you could be placed in an ‘non-collectible status.’ During this time, penalties and interest continue to accrue, but the IRS will cease all collection actions against you, and you will not have to make any payments toward the debt.

** Please be aware that any result achieved on behalf of one client in one matter does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients.

IRS CIRCULAR 230 DISCLOSURE: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, you are hereby informed that any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) (A) Is not intended or written by the practitioner to be used, and that it cannot be used by any taxpayer, for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer; (B) The advice is written to support the promotion or marketing of the transaction(s) or matter(s) addressed by the written advice; and (C) The taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayer’s particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor.

We're happy to provide a consultation at no obligation!

Just give us a call!

(843) 771-4791